

Wilt u weten of dit bedrijf vacatures heeft die bij u passen ga dan naar


For over three decades, Oracle has been the center of innovation for business software-birthplace of the first commercially available relational database, the first suite of internet-based applications, and the next-generation enterprise-computing platform, Oracle Fusion. Today, Oracle provides the world's most complete, open, and integrated business software and hardware systems, with more than 370,000 customers-including 100 of the Fortune 100-representing a variety of sizes and industries in more than 145 countries around the globe. And Oracle's 104,500 global employees-including 30,000 developers working full-time on Oracle products-are critical to that success.

Graduates and interns

We are looking for graduates and interns who are motivated for career progression and individuals who appreciate the advantages of working with people from different cultures with the same dedication to teamwork and excellence. We want candidates who possess determination, initiative, intelligence, who are flexible and good team players. Oracle has state-of-the-art, technology-enabled, multi-channel sales and customer services operations. We bring to life the benefits of Oracle's e-business technology through advanced use of the Internet as an interactive demand-generation, demonstration, proto-typing and sales medium.

By providing excellent training and career development programmes we believe we create the best way to challenge and advance our employees' progress.

In return, Oracle will provide you, as a professional, with the opportunities and career progression that will shape you both personally and professionally. Oracle also has excellent Benefits packages that offer you attractive opportunities.

Oracle is teamwork oriented, which means it is easy to strike up good friendships in a truly multicultural environment. We have popular, well organised Sports and Social clubs and there is always something on the agenda. We see our work with local and global charities as very important, and we are involved in other exciting events.

Oracle continuously offers opportunities in Europe, Middle East and Africa to Graduates and interns, mainly in our Sales, Consulting and Support teams, as well as our European Development Centre. Look for our latest jobs on


Weet u zeker dat u wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u dit account wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u deze competentie wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u het rapport wilt versturen naar dit account met onderstaande tekst? Beste , In de bijlage kunt u uw persoonlijke testrapportage vinden. Dit is het resultaat van de testen die door u zijn ingevuld in de TestCASE. Met vriendelijke groet,

Weet u zeker dat u dit functieprofiel wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u wilt uitloggen?

Weet u zeker dat u het spiegelen wilt afronden?

Weet u zeker dat u het toekennen van competenties aan functieprofielen wilt afsluiten?

U heeft basisonderwijs als hoogst afgeronde opleiding opgegeven.

U dient een hoogst afgeronde opleiding te selecteren.

Volgende pagina

Weet u zeker dat u uw account met alle gegevens wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u deze testresultaten wilt verwijderen?

even geduld a.u.b.