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Applied Micro Electronics “AME” B.V.
AME was founded in 1996 on the campus of the TU/e. AME has grown at rapid speed and become a successful medium-sized company active in the branch of development and production of high-quality electronic products and software solutions. At the moment, the organization consists of approximately 120 motivated and professional employees who enjoy working on product development and realization.

Transparency is one of the most important qualities within our organization. We are open to our customers, our employees and our suppliers. Our projects are successful thanks to excellent teamwork and informal relations within our company. Our way of working is structured and clean.

Growth and the desire to expand are central to the organization and the key to our success and enthusiasm of our talented employees.

AME has extensive ambitions to expand its customer portfolio within Europe. Our customers are internationally active and therefore our employees receive many opportunities to experience other (work)cultures.

With a background in electronics, (embedded) software engineering, mechanics, physics or a more  generic study in the field of technology you will find an enterprising environment in our company.

Best in class colleagues, best technical facilities and team spirit will give you the opportunity to deploy and develop yourself in a challenging job. The best job conditions we can offer you are fun at your work and a substantial salary.

As our business proposition lands well in the market we are a continuous growing company looking for high potentials in the mentioned fields but also of in the fields of economics and business administration.

Everyone is welcome to have a look at our well organized and state of the art processes, information system and production facilities. Please feel free to contact us to discuss the opportunities.



Weet u zeker dat u wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u dit account wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u deze competentie wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u het rapport wilt versturen naar dit account met onderstaande tekst? Beste , In de bijlage kunt u uw persoonlijke testrapportage vinden. Dit is het resultaat van de testen die door u zijn ingevuld in de TestCASE. Met vriendelijke groet,

Weet u zeker dat u dit functieprofiel wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u wilt uitloggen?

Weet u zeker dat u het spiegelen wilt afronden?

Weet u zeker dat u het toekennen van competenties aan functieprofielen wilt afsluiten?

U heeft basisonderwijs als hoogst afgeronde opleiding opgegeven.

U dient een hoogst afgeronde opleiding te selecteren.

Volgende pagina

Weet u zeker dat u uw account met alle gegevens wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u deze testresultaten wilt verwijderen?

even geduld a.u.b.