

Wilt u weten of dit bedrijf vacatures heeft die bij u passen ga dan naar


Working for Brightsight
Brightsight is a company with some 40 employees which is based in the Netherlands. Our employees are interested in security, ambitious and enthusiastic team players. The working environment at Brightsight is multinational, multicultural, informal, flexible and friendly. A recent poll has learned that employees from Brightsight rate their job and working environment high. Our clients are based for more then 85% in other countries and the main part of them are located in Asia. Our employees are therefor used to travel around the world on a regular bases.

Due to the fact that our company grows fast we have room for both Junior and Senior IT Security Evaluators.

Our Junior Evaluators are trained both internal and external. They need time to learn the different aspects of being an evaluator. They learn techniques like: souce code analysis, reverse engineering, side channel analysis and differential fault analysis and learn how to use them in projects for clients. They also learn to work with cryptographical algorhitm (DES/RSA/AES/ECC), protocol analysis, mrcro controllers and RFID. There is a large variety in the job: analitical work, expereimental work, writing reports and presenting results to our clients als all part of the job.

Our business
It is our core business to do security evaluations of IT products and systems. In that we have a strong focus on the smart card industry. What we do is judging the quality of the security of products like chip cards, paymentterminals and paymentapplications. We work for large companies like Mastercard and Visa and for those companies who supply them with chip and smart card products. Besides the evaluationwork we also support our clients solving their securityproblems, security analyse tools and training.

The Job
We are looking for people with bachelor or master in a technical direction (elektronics, physics, it) with a strong interest in security. The mentality of a hacker and the quality of an independent evaluator help people to develop themselves to senior evaluators or projectmanagers.


Weet u zeker dat u wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u dit account wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u deze competentie wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u het rapport wilt versturen naar dit account met onderstaande tekst? Beste , In de bijlage kunt u uw persoonlijke testrapportage vinden. Dit is het resultaat van de testen die door u zijn ingevuld in de TestCASE. Met vriendelijke groet,

Weet u zeker dat u dit functieprofiel wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u wilt uitloggen?

Weet u zeker dat u het spiegelen wilt afronden?

Weet u zeker dat u het toekennen van competenties aan functieprofielen wilt afsluiten?

U heeft basisonderwijs als hoogst afgeronde opleiding opgegeven.

U dient een hoogst afgeronde opleiding te selecteren.

Volgende pagina

Weet u zeker dat u uw account met alle gegevens wilt verwijderen?

Weet u zeker dat u deze testresultaten wilt verwijderen?

even geduld a.u.b.